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Riccardo Benussi and Andrea Volpe Speak to Medium-Sized Italian Enterprises on Internationalizing in Asia
On September 28 and 29, 2021, Riccardo Benussi and Andrea Volpe, Head of EU Business Development and Senior Consultant respectively, attended and spoke at a two-day seminar hosted by Salone d’Impresa for medium-sized Enterprises, in Italy’s Northeastern province of Treviso.
The 6th Salone delle Medie Imprese provided medium-sized enterprises the opportunity to network, learn about new research, and hear first-hand experiences and best practices from like-minded businesses, other stakeholders, subject matter experts, entrepreneurs and managers focused on innovation and growing their companies.
During the two full days of meetings, conferences, round tables, and networking, Riccardo and Andrea had the opportunity of participating as guest speakers in the ‘Experiences and Paths to Internationalization’ module.
Riccardo relayed his experience in assisting European businesses expand and operate in Asia in a segment called, “Internationalization in Asia”. During his talk, he gave insight on the overall context of free trade agreements and their advantages – necessary when planning out investment strategies in the region.
Andrea, meanwhile, was able to provide his unique familiarity of assisting SMEs grow their business, both in Asia and Central/Eastern Europe, during, “The Internationalization of Medium-Sized Enterprises: Planning and Strategies”.
Dezan Shira’s Italian Desk
In un quarto di secolo siamo diventati la società di servizi ad investimento italiano più strutturata nella consulenza professionale nella regione. Tra gli investimenti che abbiamo curato negli anni, quelli italiani ne rappresentano circa €1 miliardo, consolidando la reputazione di Dezan Shira & Associates come uno dei partner preferiti per l’imprenditore italiano in Asia.
In a quarter of a century, Dezan Shira & Associates has become the most structured Italian investment services company in professional consulting in the region. Among the investments we have made over the years, Italian companies represent approximately € 1 billion, consolidating the reputation of Dezan Shira & Associates as one of the preferred partners for Italian entrepreneurs in Asia.
Further Resources
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