Company News

Riccardo Benussi Speaks on Investing in Western China in Munich
On February 24, 2022, Riccardo Benussi, Head of EU Business Development, spoke at a breakfast workshop in in Munich, Germany, about investing in China’s Southwest. The event was co-organized and sponsored by Deyang National Economic & Technological Development Zone (Deyang NETDZ). This event was also broadcasted online to connect interested investors who could not make it to Munich.
Christoph Hering, Business Consultant at the Deyang NETDZ, joined online from Chengdu, Sichuan Province to provide insights.
Deyang is located in the North of the Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province. It enjoys excellent access to natural resources and a strong transportation network. Christoph introduced the locational advantages of Deyang and provided an in-depth analysis of the key economic indicators and leading industries there. Afterwards, Riccardo presented the wider context of investing in Western China, including important regulatory updates that came into play in 2021, and introduced the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle.
In conclusion, the speakers communicated with the audience about the ecosystem in Deyang and Chongqing for foreign enterprises. According to Christoph, enterprises there enjoy convenient access to co-working spaces and a young talent pool, which makes it easy to start a business. Even under the COVID restrictions, business trips and communication has not been greatly impacted due to the local government being efficient and organized with regards to testing and prevention.
To watch the recording of this hybrid event, please click here. If you have further questions on this topic, please contact Riccardo via
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