Company News

Ines Liu Partners Again with Innovation Norway to Provide China Market Entry Guidance
Recently, Ines Liu, International Business Advisory Manager in our Beijing office, participated in Innovation Norway’s 2022 market entry workshop for Norwegian companies and shared her insights on market entry strategies and foreign investment opportunities in China market. This is her third year participating in the program.
This year’s theme was “Green Agricultural Technology”, aiming to bridge Norwegian companies with Chinese partners for more opportunities to adapting or pilot Norwegian environment-friendly technology and solutions in the local Chinese market.
During the workshop, Ines walked attendees through popular structuring options and provided guidance on the most concerned issues when entering and doing business in China. She also shared insights on IPR issues, profit repatriation methods, out-bound payments issues, transaction & billing structures etc.
Given the current uncertainty regarding when foreign investors will be able to enter China and set up legal entities as smoothly as prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, Ines also introduced Professional Employer Organization (PEO) services as an alternative path: “PEO is toted as a quicker, cheaper, and less resource intensive way to test market entry into one or more Asian countries. Upon proven success in the market, you can then proceed in establishing a formal presence, or retain the option to easily scale back. Of course, as easy as it seems, you need a highly competent partner that you can trust to see it through.”
About Innovation Norway
Innovation Norway is the Norwegian government’s most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry. Innovation Norway’s China office is Norway’s official trade representative and aims to assist Norwegian businesses grow and find new markets. They also provide advisory services, promotional services, and network services to support companies in developing their competitive advantage and to enhance innovation.
Further Resources on Market Entry Strategy and Green Industry in China
- [On-Demand Webinar] An Alternative Path to Market Entry in Asia – PEO in China, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, and India
- [On-Demand Webinar] Looking Ahead to 2022: Investing and Doing Business in China
- [On-Demand Webinar] Emerging Opportunities For Foreign Investors In China’s Green Industry In 2022
- [Publication] An Introduction to Doing Business in China 2022
- [Publication] Investing in Green and Low-Carbon China
For other resources on doing business in China visit our China Briefing for articles on recent regulatory developments and our investor resource library.