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Speaking event – IPADE Business School
On February 27th, Dezan Shira & Associates’ Ho Chi Minh City office Manager Dustin Daugherty presented in front of a delegation of 40 MBA students from the prestigious IPADE Business School located in Mexico. During this presentation, Dustin enlightened the audience on Vietnam’s economic overview, including competitive wages in the region, numerous Free Trade Agreements […]
Dezan Shira & Associates Presents on Vietnam’s Food & Beverage Market for European Trade Mission
On January 30, 2018, Rossella Bizzarri, International Business Advisory Associate at Dezan Shira & Associates’ Ho Chi Minh City office, gave a presentation on Vietnam’s food and beverage industry to a European trade mission. This trade mission was organized by the EU-Vietnam Business Network (EVBN) and included delegations from 15 European food and beverage companies.
Dezan Shira & Associates Gives Presentation for Canadian Film Delegation
On January 8, 2018, Dezan Shira & Associates’ International Business Advisory Senior Associate, Ines Liu, gave a presentation for a Canadian film delegation from Alberta, at the Canadian Consulate’s office in Guangzhou.
Dezan Shira & Associates, WeWork host Seminars across Mainland China and Hong Kong
Dezan Shira & Associates hosted a series of business seminars across Mainland China and Hong Kong with Wework, one of the most popular co-working spaces in the world. At the seminars, Dezan Shira & Associates advisors shared their experiences on doing business in China.
Dezan Shira & Associates’ 25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
On November 10 2017, Dezan Shira & Associates hosted a gala dinner in Shanghai to celebrate the firm’s 25th anniversary of doing business in Asia. More than 150 clients, partners, employees, and alumni joined this celebration event, sharing their story with Dezan Shira & Associates.
Dezan Shira & Associates and Hong Kong: A HKD $6 Billion Partnership to China Investment Success
This year, our firm Dezan Shira & Associates turns 25 years old in Asia. We are an independent, professional services firm, and one of the primary brands in this field in the region. We provide foreign investors throughout the world with advisory services concerning their investments into Asia, including pre-investment due diligence and financial planning, […]
Dezan Shira & Associates Named Vietnam Partner for IE Singapore’s Plug and Play Network
Dezan Shira & Associates is proud to announce that we have been named the official Vietnam market entry partner for IE Singapore’s Plug and Play Network, which provides Singapore SMEs with business advisory, business matching and market set-up services across China, India and Southeast Asia.
Dezan Shira & Associates Speaks to Israel Chamber of Commerce About the Different Methods of Hiring Staff in China
On June 15th, Dezan Shira & Associates Partner Adam Livermore gave a speech to Ischam Shanghai members on the topic of hiring in China. Together with Adam, Vivian Mao and Allan Xu, the Senior Manager and Manager of Business Advisory Services team in Shanghai attended the event and shared their knowledge and experience during a […]
Dezan Shira & Associates Presents on e-Commerce in Asia to Veneto Investors in Italy
On May 23-24 in Veneto, Italy, Dezan Shira & Associates, in collaboration with the Veneto Promotion S.c.p.A and Italian Chamber of Commerce, presented on the Internationalization of E-commerce in Asia. Riccardo Benussi, Dezan Shira’s Manager of International Business Advisory in Shanghai and Italian Desk Co-head, led a seminar on digital exports into East Asia as […]
Dezan Shira & Associates and Australia: A 25 Year, AUD$260 Million Partnership
This year, our firm Dezan Shira & Associates turns 25 years old in Asia. We retain extremely strong ties to Australia, having assisted hundreds of Australia-based businesses establish and operate profitable operations throughout the region. We are members of numerous Australian-focused organizations throughout Asia and have long lasting relationships with other Australian institutional entities operating […]