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Dezan Shira & Associates Attends NYU Shanghai Annual Career Fair
On March 10, 2017, Dezan Shira & Associates met with a cross section of students at New York University (NYU) Shanghai’ s annual career fair, introducing Dezan Shira’s business to future leaders and sharing relevant work experience. As part of its career program, Dezan Shira attends numerous career fairs every year to help students find their career […]
Dezan Shira & Associates and the UK: A 25-Year, £475 Million Partnership
This year, Dezan Shira & Associates’ Asia operations turn 25 years old. We retain extremely strong ties to the UK, with both our Chairman and Founding Partner, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, and Partner, Adam Livermore, being UK nationals, in addition to several other British nationals employed throughout our offices in Asia. We are members of the many UK […]
Dezan Shira Provides Content to China City & Industry Report from U.S. Commercial Service
Dezan Shira is happy to announce that the new China City & Industry Report from U.S. Commercial Service with content provided by Dezan Shira is now available through the Asia Briefing Publication Store for complimentary download. This 140 page China City & Industry Report: A Guide for U.S. Exporters 2017 provides a close look at 19 of China’s […]
Dezan Shira Celebrates 25th Anniversary – Your Journey is Our Story
Discover the journeys of clients, staff and partners that come together to form the complete story of Dezan Shira’s growth throughout Asia and beyond.
Dezan Shira Presents in EU Chamber Event on China’s Tax and Accounting Updates in 2016
Find out more about China’s tax and accounting updates in 2016 from a presentation given by Dezan Shira at an EU Chamber event.
Dezan Shira Partners Plan New Asian & Silk Road Development Strategy
Find out more about Dezan Shira & Associates annual partners meeting in Sri Lanka and plans for the company in the coming year.
Dezan Shira & Associates’ India Country Manager Visits United States
Rohit Kapur, our India Country Manager, visited the United States of America in the month of September ’16. Rohit’s tour of the US proved to be productive with respect to initiating new relationships, touching base with the existing client base, and last but not least, breaking stereotypes about India.
Dezan Shira Presents to a Belgium Delegation of Architects Lead by Secretary of State for the Brussels-Capital Region
On November 13, 2016, Thibaut Minot, Associate, International Business Advisory at Dezan Shira & Associates, was invited to deliver a speech to a Belgian delegation of architects visiting Shanghai. The speech was delivered at Shanghai Tower – the tallest green building in the world (LEED Platinum certified). Several high-profile guests were in attendance, including Madame […]
Dezan Shira & Associates Holds Interactive Session on Doing Business in India at the IPG Autumn Conference
Dezan Shira & Associates’ India Country Manager, Rohit Kapur, held an interactive session on Doing Business in India in the IPG Autumn Conference on November 18, 2016 in New Delhi.
Dezan Shira Presents on China’s Healthcare Industry
On November 15, Riccardo Benussi, International Business Advisory Manager at Dezan Shira & Associates co-hosted a life webinar with AmCham Shanghai SME Center on the topic of Diagnosing China’s Healthcare Industry.