Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Vietnam Covid-19 Recovery: Capitalizing on New Support Measures for Your Busines...

Vietnam Covid-19 Recovery: Capitalizing on New Support Measures for Your Busines...

Filippo Bortoletti, International Business Advisory Senior Manager, provides you with an overview of the government’s latest support packages to ease post-COVID recovery for businesses.


Investing & Doing Business in Foshan – Industrial Upgrade and Automation in th...

Investing & Doing Business in Foshan – Industrial Upgrade and Automation in th...

In this webinar, Guilherme Campos, Dezan Shira’s International Business Advisory Manager for the Greater Bay Area, and Bruno Hernandez, Deputy Director of the International Office at the Foshan Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) jointly present th...


China’s Personal Information Protection Law: What to Know and How to Prepare

China’s Personal Information Protection Law: What to Know and How to Prepare

To help companies better prepare, Thomas Zhang, IT Director, introduced the PIPL and explained several key considerations to take to build a roadmap for compliance. Detailed actions from both a technical and organization perspective were discussed as...


How BEPS 2.0 Is Reshaping The Global Tax Landscape For Multinational Enterprises...

How BEPS 2.0 Is Reshaping The Global Tax Landscape For Multinational Enterprises...

Dezan Shira & Associates' international tax specialist from China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and India, will help increase your understanding of new tax developments and tax incentives across these regions. Our experts will share with you the m...


Know Your Chinese Partners: Case Studies for De-Risking and Managing Your Busine...

Know Your Chinese Partners: Case Studies for De-Risking and Managing Your Busine...

In this webinar, Abby Chen, our Senior Associate of Business Advisory Services, shares some real-life dispute cases between foreign invested entities and their Chinese partners at different stages of investment, as well as a few practical solutions t...


Financing Your India Business Through Equity Funding Options

Financing Your India Business Through Equity Funding Options

On October 29, Business Advisory Services Senior Associate Vikas Saluja discussed the various private equity investment options for Indian businesses and their analysis from a regulatory and taxation perspective.


How to Protect your Intellectual Property in China: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Protect your Intellectual Property in China: A Comprehensive Guide

In this webinar, Monica Li, Manager of Business Advisory Services and Guilherme Campos, Manager of International Business Advisory will talk about the importance of protecting your intellectual property in China and how to protect it.


Will China’s CPTPP Application Succeed & How Would that Impact US Trade Policy...

Will China’s CPTPP Application Succeed & How Would that Impact US Trade Policy...

Experts remain divided on whether it is realistic for China to join and how likely it is to actually happen. In this succinct, 30-minute webinar we’ll examine the probability of it, including what obstacles – and whether they’re insurmountable ...


India’s Pharmaceutical Industry 2021 – Investment Opportunities, Incentives,...

India’s Pharmaceutical Industry 2021 – Investment Opportunities, Incentives,...

On September 30 2021, Business Intelligence Assistant Manager Koushan Das discussed India’s pharmaceutical industry for foreign investors planning to enter the Indian market.


Asia's New Transfer Pricing Landscape: The Effect of BEPS 2.0 (China, Singapore,...

Asia's New Transfer Pricing Landscape: The Effect of BEPS 2.0 (China, Singapore,...

Dezan Shira & Associates' transfer pricing specialist from China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and India, welcome you to increase your understanding of transfer pricing across these regions, and will share with you the most recent practices in each...


How to Make the Best Use of Your Licensing Agreement in China?

How to Make the Best Use of Your Licensing Agreement in China?

In this webinar, Jenny Liao, Senior Manager of Corporate Accounting Services in Dezan Shira & Associates and Eric Su, Senior Partner of HongFangLaw will talk about how to draft a licensing agreement that benefits all parties, from both a tax and a le...


The Impact of E-fapiaos on Companies’ Internal Processes (CN中文)

The Impact of E-fapiaos on Companies’ Internal Processes (CN中文)

近年来,随着电子发票的逐渐普及,发票管理成为很多企业内部流程及合规管理的核心议题。那么电子发票究竟存在哪些门道值得注意,又会给企业的日常管理带来多少潜在问题和风险呢? ...

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