Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the types of mandatory social security in Vietnam?

What are the types of mandatory social security in Vietnam?

There are three types of mandatory social security in Vietnam that must be covered by foreign enterprises seeking to hire local staff: social insurance; health insurance; and unemployment insurance. Minimum contributions are required by both the empl...


How does Vietnam’s social security system differ for domestic and internationa...

How does Vietnam’s social security system differ for domestic and internationa...

Social and unemployment insurances are mandatory only for Vietnamese employees, whereas health insurance applies to both Vietnamese and foreign workers employed in accordance with Vietnam’s Labor Code. Employers register and pay insurance contr...


Which deductions can be made from an employee's salary according to the Vietname...

Which deductions can be made from an employee's salary according to the Vietname...

Currently, the following deductions are permitted under the Vietnamese tax code: Personal allowances of VND 9 million (US$395); Dependent allowances of VND 3.6 million (US$158) per dependent; All mandatory contributions to Vietnam’s social...


What are the main benefits of outsourcing payroll for companies in Vietnam?

What are the main benefits of outsourcing payroll for companies in Vietnam?

Savings are now kicking in in Vietnam as companies can handle their HR processes remotely. Yet, the main motivation for companies to choose an outsourced model is the ability to achieve more consistency in data management, greater transparency for ma...


Payroll Management in Vietnam

Payroll Management in Vietnam

In this edition of Vietnam Briefing, we discuss Vietnam’s current statutory requirements regarding payment, social insurance withholdings, and individual income taxation. We go on to explain the areas where compliance is likely to become a concern ...


Regional Private Sector Minimum Monthly Wages in Vietnam

Regional Private Sector Minimum Monthly Wages in Vietnam

This graph shows the regional minimum monthly wages in Vietnam's private sector.


Vietnam's Individual Income Tax Brackets

Vietnam's Individual Income Tax Brackets

This table shows Vietnam's individual income tax brackets.


Vietnamese Social Insurance Obligations Calculation

Vietnamese Social Insurance Obligations Calculation

This table shows how to calculate social security obligations in Vietnam.


Vietnam's Annual Compliance Calendar

Vietnam's Annual Compliance Calendar

This table shows the calendar for income tax and social security annual compliance in Vietnam.


Calculating Individual Income Tax Payments in Vietnam

Calculating Individual Income Tax Payments in Vietnam

This table shows how to calculate individual income tax payments based on a pretax salary of VND 134,324,000.


Calculating Vietnamese Withholdings

Calculating Vietnamese Withholdings

This table shows how to calculate Vietnamese withholdings based on a gross salary of VND 150 million.


Doing Business in China

Doing Business in China

In this presentation Dezan Shira's Associate Thibaut Minot gives a comprehensive overview of the Chinese business environment and related opportunities for foreign companies.

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