Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Why do internet challenges exist in China?

Why do internet challenges exist in China?

Considering the fact that there are 668 million internet users by June 2015 in China, it is surprising to see that the penetration rate is only 48.8 percent and China has a limited amount of international bandwidth with countries overseas as well. In...


What kind of popular services are not available in China?

What kind of popular services are not available in China?

There are a lot of services that are not available in China including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp  and many different foreign country based services. What makes it harder for foreign companies is that cloud file sharing platforms like Dropbox an...


What are the three biggest ISPs in China and why are they creating regional mono...

What are the three biggest ISPs in China and why are they creating regional mono...

The three biggest ISPs in China are China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile. They are actually owned by the same state-owned company and are split according to physical location and scope. This is the main factor of monopoly creation across Chin...


What are some solutions to internet problems in China?

What are some solutions to internet problems in China?

First of all, it is important to select the most suitable ISP according to location. Companies in North China should select China Unicom as their ISP, South China should select China Telecom and East China can select either of them based on the bandw...


What is the national internet connection speed like in each province in China?

What is the national internet connection speed like in each province in China?

The average broadband speed is 3.5mb/s in China, Beijing and Shanghai have  the fastest internet connection speed out of all the provinces. Most of the provinces in East and South China have similar connection speed; however, Xinjiang, Qinghai, ...


What role does the Shanghai Cooperation Organization play in the success of the ...

What role does the Shanghai Cooperation Organization play in the success of the ...

Representing a group of the largest Central Asian nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was originally formed to maintain regional security and political stability. However, its role has been extended in recent years to encompass econo...


As one of the poorest regions in China, how did Xinjiang become of great importa...

As one of the poorest regions in China, how did Xinjiang become of great importa...

Despite the obvious wealth disparity between Xinjiang and other Chinese provinces, Xinjiang remains as one of the wealthiest regions in the entire Central Asia and is expected to continue to flourish in the coming years. One of Xinjiang’s advan...


What benefits can tier 1.5 cities enjoy in China?

What benefits can tier 1.5 cities enjoy in China?

Locations such as Chengdu, Hangzhou and Nanjing which are considered as the transition frontrunners of tier 2 to 1 cities can enjoy greater government support compared to tier 1 cities. For instance, they are encouraged to build shopping centers larg...


What is the impact of pollution crisis on real estate sector in China?

What is the impact of pollution crisis on real estate sector in China?

Due to the pollution crisis, the government is trying to build a sustainable economy in order to combat. Since buildings take up 25 percent of the energy use in China, the CCP’s twelfth Five Year Plan aims to build one billion square meters of ...


How can selling construction materials in China create opportunities for foreign...

How can selling construction materials in China create opportunities for foreign...

As the government supports the idea of ‘green’ construction and the vast majority of Chinese suppliers are still not familiar with green materials, this policy of supporting environmental friendly constructions encourages foreign investme...


What are the requirements and obstacles of setting up architecture WFOE in China...

What are the requirements and obstacles of setting up architecture WFOE in China...

The corporate laws of China are very rigid and require companies to stay within the scope of the business that they first intended to engage in. When the company is created, it needs to describe the business scope and apply for a business license. Wh...


What are the main reasons that cause factories to shift from China to Vietnam?

What are the main reasons that cause factories to shift from China to Vietnam?

During the past five years, Vietnam’s exports have doubled and compared to the previous year, total exports increased more than 13.6 percent. Vietnam is trying to attract manufacturing from Guangdong which is China’s traditional base. To ...

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