Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What is an indicator that production should be shifted from China to a non-China...

What is an indicator that production should be shifted from China to a non-China...

The general rule of thumb is if non-China production can reach 70 percent of the level that can be achieved by a China factory, it may be a wise decision to house production in the non-China facility. Furthermore, as regional infrastructure continues...


As of January 2015 which Free Trade Agreements is China currently negotiating?

As of January 2015 which Free Trade Agreements is China currently negotiating?

China has entered into discussions with numerous countries and trade blocs. Prospective agreements include the China-GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Free Trade Agreement, the China-Norway Free Trade Agreement, and the China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Agre...


What is the purpose of the New Silk Road Free Trade Area?

What is the purpose of the New Silk Road Free Trade Area?

The New Silk Road connects South and Central Asia with the Middle East and Europe much like China’s Han Dynasty Silk Road, established more than two thousand years ago. It is a demonstration of President Xi Jinping’s economic efforts to e...


What are the difficulties in taking advantage of China?s Double Tax Agreements?

What are the difficulties in taking advantage of China?s Double Tax Agreements?

China has assertively entered into Double Tax Agreements (DTAs) with numerous nations. These agreements provide benefits for companies with a presence in both nations as well as companies that may not have a permanent presence in China but still char...


What are some of the effects which can be seen from China?s Free Trade Agreement...

What are some of the effects which can be seen from China?s Free Trade Agreement...

China’s bilateral and multilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have been extremely influential in encouraging the direction of trade flow and the development of supply chains throughout Asia. The FTAs have been instrumental in aiding China&rsq...


What are some of the trends which can be seen in China?s wage-labor market in 20...

What are some of the trends which can be seen in China?s wage-labor market in 20...

China has been a popular destination for foreign manufacturers because of its cost-effectiveness. Low wages and taxes combined with a well-constructed supply chain infrastructure have been attractive attributes of the Chinese wage-labor market. Howev...


How has China?s Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN changed global manufacturing tre...

How has China?s Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN changed global manufacturing tre...

Prior to 2007, much of the global chain moved to China to take advantage of its well-organized infrastructure, cheap labor, and ultra-low taxes. However, after the implementation of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of 2007, tax incentives in China were ...


What is the significance of ASEAN?s Free Trade Agreements with China and India?

What is the significance of ASEAN?s Free Trade Agreements with China and India?

The Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between these countries have removed import/export tariffs on 90 percent of all manufactured goods to zero essentially. Therefore, preferential access to ASEAN manufacturing is not solely granted to countries within t...


What is the difference between ?indirect? and ?direct? sourcing in Asia?

What is the difference between ?indirect? and ?direct? sourcing in Asia?

An indirect method of managing a sourcing operation means employing offices that cannot undertake any commercial or industrial activities, receive payment in local currency, or manage export/import activities. Indirect methods are relatively uniform ...


Welche Vertragstypen für Angestellte gibt es in China und welche Bedingungen sin...

Welche Vertragstypen für Angestellte gibt es in China und welche Bedingungen sin...

Grundsätzlich werden in China 6 verschiedene Vertragstypen unterschieden, diese sind der Projektbezogene Vertrag, Teilzeit Vertrag, Befristete Vertrag, Unbefristete Vertrag, Entsendung und das Outsourcing. Wichtige Bedingungen sind zum Ei...


Welche Informationen sollte ein Arbeitsvertrag in China enthalten?

Welche Informationen sollte ein Arbeitsvertrag in China enthalten?

Zwingende Details im Arbeitsvertrag sind jegliche Informationen zum Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer, Anfangsdatum und Dauer, Positionsbeschreibung und Einsatzort, Arbeitsstunden, bereitgestellter Urlaub und Länge sowie Frequenz der Pausenzeiten.


Welche Sozialleistungen gibt es in China?

Welche Sozialleistungen gibt es in China?

In China gibt es das System von 5+1 verschiedener Sozialleistungen

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