Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Introduzione alle zone di investimento in Asia

Introduzione alle zone di investimento in Asia

In questo numero di Asia Briefing, analizzeremo i vari tipi di zone economiche e aree per investimenti disponibili in Cina, India e Vietnam, illustrandone caratteristiche e vantaggi principali. Presenteremo poi una fotografia delle più recenti eco...


An Introduction to Development Zones Across Asia

An Introduction to Development Zones Across Asia

The use of development zones in their different guises has been an effective model essentially brought to prominence by China over the past 25 years to help both foreign investors and domestic companies meet in a relationship that provides tax advant...


Asia Briefing Magazine, March & April 2013 Issue: "Expanding Your China Business...

Asia Briefing Magazine, March & April 2013 Issue:

Christian Fleming, former Managing Editor at Asia Briefing, a Dezan Shira alumni, discusses the evolution of China’s economic growth model compared to Vietnam and India as alternatives in the region.


Asia Briefing Magazine, January 2013 Issue: "Are you ready for ASEAN 2015?"

Asia Briefing Magazine, January 2013 Issue:

Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Founder of Dezan Shira & Associates, discusses the new dawn that ASEAN free trade brings to the entire region.


Are You Ready for ASEAN 2015?

Are You Ready for ASEAN 2015?

Although both China and India have recently signed free trade agreements with ASEAN, many businesses still seem blissfully unaware of the free trade agreements and economic partnerships that are dramatically changing Asia’s business opportunitie...


The 2013 U.S. Commercial Service China Business Handbook

The 2013 U.S. Commercial Service China Business Handbook

Asia Briefing has proudly cooperated with the U.S. Commercial Service to publish the 2013 edition of the China Business Handbook, with chapters contributed by selected foreign investment firms, including Dezan Shira & Associates.


What is ASEAN?

What is ASEAN?

ASEAN is an acronym for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The Association is founded in 1967 and is comprised of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. In recent years, the regi...


What is Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership?

What is Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership?

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) scheme includes ASEAN bloc, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. The aim of this partnership is, when being implemented, to lower customs duties and trade barriers between the...


Why is Singapore a good base for Asia expansion?

Why is Singapore a good base for Asia expansion?

There are mainly three reasons: Singaporean companies enjoy a low tax rate of 17 percent. There will be no tax payable on dividends earned externally from its borders. It is also possible to operate a Singaporean company as a “shelf” ...


What are the requirements for foreign persons to set up companies in Singapore?

What are the requirements for foreign persons to set up companies in Singapore?

Since Singapore does not allow foreign persons to register directly for a company, a professional service firm must be engaged to register on behalf of companies with non-Singapore National Registration Identity Card holders, non-Employment Pass hold...


Are there any tax incentive programs in Singapore?

Are there any tax incentive programs in Singapore?

There are a number of these programs, such as Global Trader Program, HQ Program and incentives under Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme. These are all programs aiming to draw in or encourage investment in Singapore.


How does the tax incentive program operate in Singapore?

How does the tax incentive program operate in Singapore?

Take one example, the incentives under Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme – businesses can get cash payout or a 400 percent tax deduction or allowance on expenditure of up to SG$ 400,000 on each of the following six activities: Purcha...

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