Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Audit and Compliance in ASEAN: Prepare for 2022

Audit and Compliance in ASEAN: Prepare for 2022

In this issue of ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of the audit and compliance requirements in ASEAN’s six largest economies. We then explore the length of IFRS adoption in ASEAN and provide answers to often asked questions about ASEA...


ASEAN Talent and HR Compensation Benchmarking

ASEAN Talent and HR Compensation Benchmarking

In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of current talent availability in ASEAN, and future factors that will impact human resource development in the region. We then explore hiring costs in the bloc before finally focusi...


Adopting a China+1 Strategy in ASEAN: Diversifying Supply Chains to Minimize Ris...

Adopting a China+1 Strategy in ASEAN: Diversifying Supply Chains to Minimize Ris...

In our recent webinar, Saponti Baroowa, Business Intelligence Associate Director, discussed why companies are increasingly moving away or planning to move operations from China. He highlighted the main strengths of five major ASEAN economies - Indone...


Contributi e finanziamenti all’internazionalizzazione

Contributi e finanziamenti all’internazionalizzazione

Se il vostro progetto di internazionalizzazione è pronto, ma necessita di un finanziamento per poter essere realizzato, vi proponiamo mensilmente una serie di opportunità che possono fare al caso vostro: un flash sui principali finanzia...


Protect Your Intellectual Property in ASEAN and China - Key Legal Considerations...

Protect Your Intellectual Property in ASEAN and China - Key Legal Considerations...

In this webinar, Riccardo and Marcos discuss key characteristics of the IP legal framework across Southeast Asia and China. They also shared guidance on how investors can better protect their brands and IP when doing business in these fast-growing ec...


Il mercato cinese: nuove strategie ed opportunità di investimento ai tempi del ...

Il mercato cinese: nuove strategie ed opportunità di investimento ai tempi del ...

Unitevi all'evento online di Dezan Shira & Associates, ospitato da Salone d'Impresa, che si terrà il 30 novembre prossimo, nel corso del quale verranno approfondite le tendenze emergenti sia in Cina che nell'ASEAN nel 2021, oltre al prossimo Piano Q...


Market Opportunities and Entry Strategies in Southeast Asia

Market Opportunities and Entry Strategies in Southeast Asia

On September 9, we joined forces with Acclime, MPG, EnterPH, Sleek and Greenhouse Co. to deliver a webinar discussing "Market Opportunities and Entry Strategies in Southeast Asia." About this event Located at the heart of the Asia-Pacific...


Estructuras societarias en Filipinas para constituir una sociedad como extranjer...

Estructuras societarias en Filipinas para constituir una sociedad como extranjer...

Preguntas y respuestas sobre la inversión extranjera en Filipinas (Opciones de estructuración


Trade War Incentives in ASEAN

Trade War Incentives in ASEAN

In this webinar, Dustin Daugherty introduced the various incentive schemes and improvements in investment environments ASEAN countries have implemented to capitalize on shifting supply chains and rising costs. He then provided a side-by-side comparis...


What are the minimum wages in ASEAN?

What are the minimum wages in ASEAN?

Minimum wages in ASEAN - Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brunei, Myanmar (Burma), Laos.


Relocating Your Business from China to ASEAN

Relocating Your Business from China to ASEAN

ASEAN countries have become an alluring destination for Chinese-based businesses looking to benefit from the cost-savings of relocating all or part of their production facilities to Southeast Asia amid the brewing US-China trade war. In this issue of...


Doing Business in Indonesia - Opportunities for Foreign Investors

Doing Business in Indonesia - Opportunities for Foreign Investors

In the webinar hosted on September 24 2019, Melisa, Dezan Shira's Senior Associate of internation business advisory at our Jakarta office, discussed business establishment in Indonesia and opportunities for foreign investors.  As the largest ma...

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