Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What You Need to Know Before Setting Up in India

What You Need to Know Before Setting Up in India

What are the major challenges foreign companies face while setting up in India? India’s ranking has significantly improved in Ease of Doing Business list. However, before entering the Indian market, an enterprise requires professional advice t...


FAQs - Payroll and HR in Vietnam

FAQs - Payroll and HR in Vietnam

Managing HR and payroll can be challenging due to ever-changing regulations and dynamic local practices. This document answers some frequently asked questions that employers may have about payroll and HR in Vietnam.


Challenges & Opportunities for Healthcare Start-Ups during COVID-19

Challenges & Opportunities for Healthcare Start-Ups during COVID-19

In this webinar, Vivian Mao joins a panel hosted by Johnson & Johnson Innovation (JLabs) to discuss the opportunities and challenges healthcare start-ups are facing during Covid-19. See her section of the panel as she breaks down the market’s curr...




在这张录音中,Vivian Mao将参加由强生(JLabs)主持的小组讨论会,意在讨论在Covid-19期间医疗初创企业所面临的机遇和挑战. Vivian分析了当前市场的状况并且为投资者分析新的商机,详情请点...






China Travel Restrictions, HR Concerns, and Solutions

China Travel Restrictions, HR Concerns, and Solutions

In this webinar we discuss and explain the travel restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on both foreign nationals and locals. We also dive into the HR concerns created by this policy for companies and suggest solutions to these challenges.


UK-China Tech Forum: COVID-19 & Tech Lessons from China

UK-China Tech Forum: COVID-19 & Tech Lessons from China

To emerge successful from the COVID19 crisis and prepare for what comes next, businesses will need long-term planning and the knowledge on the impact that different approaches produce. This webinar was hosted by techUk and the China-Britain Business ...


Investing in Vietnam

Investing in Vietnam

This infographic reviews the investment environment in Vietnam. If you would would like to dive deeper in the topic, please refer to An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2020 and Vietnam Briefing.


Руководство по ведению бизнеса в Сингапуре ...

Руководство по ведению бизнеса в Сингапуре ...

Эта публикация, предназначенная для ознакомления с основами инвестирования в Сингапур, была составлена экспертами Дазан Шира и Партнер...


Navigating Vietnam Business Operations During Covid-19

Navigating Vietnam Business Operations During Covid-19

Filippo Bortoletti, International Business Advisory Manager, provided extensive legal updates with regards to Covid-19, aiming to help Vietnam-based businesses, foreign investors and expats stay informed and make sound business decisions during the o...


Coronavirus Outbreak: Navigating China HR and Operational Questions

Coronavirus Outbreak: Navigating China HR and Operational Questions

The outbreak of the novel Coronavirus in Hubei province has affected China’s economy and the operations of businesses across the country. During this challenging time, the ability of companies to make informed decisions about their operations and ...


Legal Risks and Crisis Management Strategy During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Legal Risks and Crisis Management Strategy During the Coronavirus Outbreak

In this webinar, we discuss the strategies that companies can adopt to minimize and preempt legal risks and provide insights into how to manage your business during this crisis.

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