Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



India’s Leading Manufacturing Hubs for Foreign Investment

India’s Leading Manufacturing Hubs for Foreign Investment

We provide an overview of the reforms and incentives offered to make India a more viable manufacturing investment destination. This is followed by a spotlight on top performing states and the latest programs marshaling India’s infrastructure growth...


Investir au Vietnam 2021

Investir au Vietnam 2021

Statistiques démographiques, Economie du Vietnam et investissements directs à l’étranger, Régions économiques clés, Accords de libre-échange, Comment monter une activité, Se conformer à la législation fiscale et à la réglementation comp...


Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and New Investment List: New Opportunities for Foreign...

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and New Investment List: New Opportunities for Foreign...

Following the enactment of the highly anticipated Omnibus Law, Dezan Shira & Associates and the Indonesian Ministry of Investment RI/BKPM held a webinar on May 27 to examine the key changes that it brings to foreign investment in Indonesia.


Crash Course on Doing Business in Beijing: New Opportunities for Foreign Investo...

Crash Course on Doing Business in Beijing: New Opportunities for Foreign Investo...

In this webinar, Ines Liu, International Business Advisory Manager, will highlight what makes Beijing a favorable destination for foreign investors, with special focus on the services sector, and introduce the 'two zones' in Beijing:


Shifting Tides: What’s Next for China, Vietnam, Singapore, and Hong Kong in 20...

Shifting Tides: What’s Next for China, Vietnam, Singapore, and Hong Kong in 20...

Marco Förster, International Business Advisory Manager, shares updates on the improving business environment and increasing scope of opportunities that China, Vietnam, Singapore, and Hong Kong offer to foreign investors.


Adopting a China+1 Strategy in ASEAN: Diversifying Supply Chains to Minimize Ris...

Adopting a China+1 Strategy in ASEAN: Diversifying Supply Chains to Minimize Ris...

In our recent webinar, Saponti Baroowa, Business Intelligence Associate Director, discussed why companies are increasingly moving away or planning to move operations from China. He highlighted the main strengths of five major ASEAN economies - Indone...


Relocating Your Production to Vietnam

Relocating Your Production to Vietnam

Vietnam’s successful pandemic response and export led growth model have accelerated its levels of productivity and kept supply chains moving with limited disruption. Yet, choosing to move operations to Vietnam is not without its share of challenges...


India’s Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for the Manufacturing Sector

India’s Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for the Manufacturing Sector

PLI Scheme was announced with the objective to make domestic manufacturing globally competitive, attract investments, enhance exports, and make India an integral part of the global supply chain.


Crash Course on Doing Business in East China: New Opportunities in 2021

Crash Course on Doing Business in East China: New Opportunities in 2021

In this webinar, Viktor Rojkov, International Business Advisory Senior Associate, will provide insights and guidance on recent developments in the East China region and help potential investors access the booming YRD ecosystem as well as explore and ...


Crash Course on Doing Business and Investing in China's Greater Bay Area in 2021...

Crash Course on Doing Business and Investing in China's Greater Bay Area in 2021...

In this second session of the crash course on doing business in the Greater Bay Area , Dezan Shira’s International Business Advisory Manger Guilherme Campos introduced the tax incentives and government subsidy policies in the GBA, as well as shared...


All Eyes on Vietnam – Why and How to Enter the Market

All Eyes on Vietnam – Why and How to Enter the Market

Building on Vietnam’s favorable conditions for doing business, namely its strategic location, stable political system, ample workforce with competitive labor costs, and a relatively open environment for FDI, Vietnam has cemented its position as a s...


Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s Digital Economy

Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Indonesia’s Digital Economy

In this issue of the ASEAN Briefing magazine, we provide an overview of Indonesia’s digital economy, its vibrant startup scene, and how investors can utilize Singapore as a base for expansion into the country. We then analyze Indonesia’s new laws...

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