Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Vietnam's Key Investment Industries and Destinations 2022 - Part 3: Vietnam's Ma...

Vietnam's Key Investment Industries and Destinations 2022 - Part 3: Vietnam's Ma...

In our webinar we took a deep dive into the opportunities for foreign investors in the Vietnam market, particularly in the Southern region.


China M&A Outlook: Trends and Strategies

China M&A Outlook: Trends and Strategies

China remains the world’s hottest market for several industries, with high prospects for growth, innovation, and investment. Alongside the optimistic outlook, there are some emerging market trends and regulatory developments that affect the scope, ...


Maximize Profits in Your Dividend Repatriation by Leveraging the PRC-HK DTA

Maximize Profits in Your Dividend Repatriation by Leveraging the PRC-HK DTA

Who can benefit from a DTA and what are the edibility criteria and standards? How will the DTA between China’s Mainland and Hong Kong benefit taxpayers? In this webinar, Hannah Feng and Jennifer Lu provide insights and guidance on how to optimize p...




The latest issue of AIR is a unique study into the trade and investment statistics and policies that China and the United Kingdom has chosen to adopt when it comes to their Asia policy.

Featuring the latest updates on their respective t...


An Alternative Path to Market Entry in Asia – PEO in China, Vietnam, Singapore...

An Alternative Path to Market Entry in Asia – PEO in China, Vietnam, Singapore...

We take a look at PEO’s rising popularity and how businesses can utilize PEO as a market entry strategy to get people on the ground and start operations quickly in their target market. Our panel of country experts focus on several core Asia markets...


The RCEP Advantage: Part 4 – The Future of Trade in China 

The RCEP Advantage: Part 4 – The Future of Trade in China 

In part 4 of our RCEP webinar series we focus on China which has so far benefited from the FTA using it to further leverage its trade potential to secure greater market access in the region.


Nepal's Foreign Investment Climate: Potential and Opportunities

Nepal's Foreign Investment Climate: Potential and Opportunities

Nepal's Foreign Investment Climate: Potential and Opportunities briefly introduces readers to the investment environment of Nepal, going over key considerations such as governing foreign investment laws, repatriation options, and opportunities.


Mergers and Acquisitions in India

Mergers and Acquisitions in India

In this latest issue of India Briefing Magazine, we analyze the latest merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in India, including hot sectors for deals and trends shaping future developments, most prominently the role of digital disruptors and startup...


Emerging Opportunities For Foreign Investors In China's Green Industry In 2022

Emerging Opportunities For Foreign Investors In China's Green Industry In 2022

In this webinar, Ines Liu will provide an overview of China’s plans and paths for transforming to a green economy and explain how such plans would be relevant to foreign investment.


Opportunities in India's E-Commerce Sector

Opportunities in India's E-Commerce Sector

Propelled by increasing smartphone penetration, an expanding internet user base, and rising consumer wealth, e-commerce platforms have revolutionized the way business is done in India.


HR-Update China: Herausforderungen und Chancen bezüglich Arbeitsmarkt, Führung...

HR-Update China: Herausforderungen und Chancen bezüglich Arbeitsmarkt, Führung...

Wie wirken sich diese Entwicklungen auf europäische Unternehmen aus, die in China Geschäfte machen? Wie können sie eine Strategie für Rekrutierung und die Talentakquise entwickeln, um ihre Marktposition zu behalten oder weiter zu wachsen? Wie si...


Finding an Ideal Location – Utilizing Vietnam’s Economic Regions

Finding an Ideal Location – Utilizing Vietnam’s Economic Regions

Vietnam has long established itself as a favorable destination for investors wanting to diversify their Asia presence. In recent years, this decision has appealed to many businesses dealing with trade shocks and border closures associated with the pa...

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