Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Regional Share of India's Exports, 2012-13

Regional Share of India's Exports, 2012-13

This infographic shows the regions that India exports mostly to. These numbers are highly influenced by India's free trade agreements.


Overview of the BIMSTEC Trade Bloc

Overview of the BIMSTEC Trade Bloc

This infographic displays an overview of the BIMSTEC trade bloc of which India is a part of.


India's Other Trade Agreements

India's Other Trade Agreements

This infographic displays the "other" trade agreements India has, apart from the agreements mentioned in the February 2015 India Briefing Magazine: "Understanding India's Free Trade and Double Tax Agreements"


India's Key Taxes

India's Key Taxes

This infographic displays India's key corporate tax rates


Country List of India's Comprehensive Agreements on Double Taxation

Country List of India's Comprehensive Agreements on Double Taxation

This infographic displays a list of country that India has comprehensive agreements on double taxation with.


India's Merchandise Trade with ASEAN (2001-2013)

India's Merchandise Trade with ASEAN (2001-2013)

This infographic shows the increase that trade between India and ASEAN has seen over the last 15 years.


Wages & GDP per Capita Across Asia

Wages & GDP per Capita Across Asia

This infographic compares minimum monthly wage, average monthly wage and GDP per Capita across various Asian countries.


An Introduction to India's Free Trade Agreements

An Introduction to India's Free Trade Agreements

This prezi introduces you the free trade structures that India engages and the free trading partners India collaborates with


Comparison of Sourcing Models in China

Comparison of Sourcing Models in China

This infographic compares the two sourcing models available for foreign investors in China: representative office and foreign-invested commercial enterprise.


Comparison of Sourcing Models in India

Comparison of Sourcing Models in India

This infographic compares the two commonly used sourcing models in India.


Is there a quota for hiring expats in China?

Is there a quota for hiring expats in China?

Officially, there is no regulation explicitly placing quotas on the number of expats a company can hire. However, in China, local government agencies – often the municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau – have t...


Given the recent changes to visa regulations in China in 2014, what are the offi...

Given the recent changes to visa regulations in China in 2014, what are the offi...

Both the R and Z-visas are official work visas. For the time being, the Z-visa is the most common type used by foreigners working in China, and will likely remain so, considering the stricter requirements and remaining uncertainty rega...

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