Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



India-South Korea Investment Trends

India-South Korea Investment Trends

India-South Korea relations have made great strides in recent years. Bilateral cooperation covers a range of sectors and spurred by significant convergence of interests, both countries are working on integrating the goals of India’s “Act East Pol...


How China is Reforming its Soe's to Become Mixed Hybrid Global Businesses Worth ...

How China is Reforming its Soe's to Become Mixed Hybrid Global Businesses Worth ...

We showcase six unique case studies of China's SOE mixed hybrid reforms, four which involved public markets and two major domestic mergers. These will likely result in internationally significant IPOs. We examine this new trend and show how new Chine...


An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022

An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2022

This publication is designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in all ten ASEAN countries and includes a guide to corporate establishment, tax advisory, and bookkeeping, in addition to HR and payroll, double tax agreements, and audit and com...


Managing Non-Trade Intercompany Transactions with Your Chinese Affiliates

Managing Non-Trade Intercompany Transactions with Your Chinese Affiliates

In this webinar, Riccardo Benussi, Head of European Business Development, Shirley Chu, manager from our transfer pricing team, and Ann Sun, manager from our corporate accounting team discussed the difficulties faced by multinational companies in term...


Real Value in Securing Chinese Investors as Minority Shareholders

Real Value in Securing Chinese Investors as Minority Shareholders

In this issue of Asia Investment Research we examine six case studies of Chinese businesses investing in strategic new tech equity partnerships overseas, and the above average - and fast - returns on these investments that have occurred in all cases....


Bilancio di fine 2021 su Cina, India, Vietnam e ASEAN

Bilancio di fine 2021 su Cina, India, Vietnam e ASEAN

Nonostante il 2021 non sia stato, sotto molti aspetti, diverso dal 2020, ci sono stati alcuni elementi che si sono rivelati fondamentali per noi in Asia - in particolare la crescita economica. Noi dell’Italian desk desideriamo concludere ...


All Eyes on Vietnam - Why 2022 is an Ideal Time to Invest

All Eyes on Vietnam - Why 2022 is an Ideal Time to Invest

In our webinar recording Dang Trinh (International Business Advisory Associate) and Thang Vu (Associate Manager, Tax) discuss key developments in Vietnam in 2021 and outlook for 2022 and the opportunities the county provides investors.


Transforming Your Asia HR & Payroll Management: Selecting the Right Cloud-Based ...

Transforming Your Asia HR & Payroll Management: Selecting the Right Cloud-Based ...

To help companies understand the current innovation of HR system apps in Asia, and whether they might benefit from them, particularly given the new norms within a COVID-19 era, David Niu, HR & Payroll Senior Manager, explains how today’s HR and pay...


How Your Domicile Defines Individual Income Tax Treatment in China and the UK

How Your Domicile Defines Individual Income Tax Treatment in China and the UK

The first “Complex Made Easy” Video Series is live and available to watch! We are proud to announce the release of our first video series, Complex Made Easy, where our experts answer the most frequently asked questions on vario...


Permanent Establishment and Employing People in China and the UK Series

Permanent Establishment and Employing People in China and the UK Series

We are proud to announce the release of our second video series, Complex Made Easy, where our experts answer the most frequently asked questions on various areas of the Asian and British business environment. The second series, "Permanent ...


Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

Использование Сингапура как базы для расши...

В этом выпуске журнала АСЕАН Брифинг мы рассматриваем эффективную процедуру регистрации компании в Сингапуре и сравниваем Гонконг и Си...


Руководство по Экспорту из Вьетнама

Руководство по Экспорту из Вьетнама

В этом выпуске журнала Вьетнам Брифинг мы подробно расскажем о процедурах экспорта из Вьетнама с соблюдением правил определения страны...

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