Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are Non-Wholly Originating Goods and why are they potentially a concern for...

What are Non-Wholly Originating Goods and why are they potentially a concern for...

Non-Wholly Originating Goods refer to exports produced using inputs from outside of a given Free Trade Agreement(FTA). When companies seek to adopt a China plus one production model and integrate Vietnam into existing supply chains, they might consid...


What advantages does Vietnam’s Dinh Vu Industrial Zone(DUIZ) have?

What advantages does Vietnam’s Dinh Vu Industrial Zone(DUIZ) have?

Advantages of the DUIZ lie in its proximity to various outlets for exported goods, its well-established facilities and regulatory assistance, as well as easily accessible high skilled labor pools for companies to jump start their manufacturing operat...


Why is the Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone(HKIZ) in Vietnam an attractive destination ...

Why is the Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone(HKIZ) in Vietnam an attractive destination ...

HKIZ attracts manufacturers from the garments and electronics industry as its infrastructure and facilities are structured to meet the specific needs of these growing industries. Services provided to the investors include access to water, electricity...


Why is the Vietnam Singapore Industrial Zone(VSIZ) in Vietnam a favorable option...

Why is the Vietnam Singapore Industrial Zone(VSIZ) in Vietnam a favorable option...

Located in Binh Duong province’s Thuan An district, the VSIZ has showcased Vietnam’s evolving capacity to host investors and to facilitate a variety of manufacturing from food processing to medical equipment. In addition to a series of ta...


Why is the annual audit important to Foreign Invested Enterprises (FIEs) in Chin...

Why is the annual audit important to Foreign Invested Enterprises (FIEs) in Chin...

Since FIEs are allowed to distribute and repatriate their profits or dividends back to their home country only after they complete their annual statutory audits and settlement of all relevant tax liabilities, failure to comply with the annual audit w...


What is the process of the annual audit work for Joint Ventures (JV), Wholly For...

What is the process of the annual audit work for Joint Ventures (JV), Wholly For...

First of all, enterprises need to prepare a statutory annual audit report, which includes a balance sheet, an income statement and a cash flow statement. As a next step, enterprises need to prepare a corporate income tax (CIT) reconciliation report. ...


What are some factors that need to be considered when doing the annual audit wor...

What are some factors that need to be considered when doing the annual audit wor...

1) Bank statements: The balance on the bank book needs to be the same as that stated in the bank statement. 2) Expense report: Audit fees, salaries, rentals, utilities, FESCO fees and any other expenses need to be properly accrued with contracts or ...


What does ?Regulations on the Administration of Registration of Resident Represe...

What does ?Regulations on the Administration of Registration of Resident Represe...

On the 19th of November, 2010, the State Council issued the regulations and it came into effect on the 1st of March, 2011. This regulation concentrates the degree of business and their valid financial records. The submission date required is from the...


What is needed needs to be prepared when going through annual tax filing process...

What is needed needs to be prepared when going through annual tax filing process...

Since the responsibility for tax filing in China is with the taxpayer, the bureau does not need to send out tax returns and it is the taxpayer’s responsibility to collect and file tax forms according to relevant regulations. Although regional v...


Why is it recommended to start preparing for China?s annual audit in November in...

Why is it recommended to start preparing for China?s annual audit in November in...

Most companies in China start preparing for the annual audit in January and February, however it is sometimes recommended to start instead as early as November. This gives companies enough time to carry out a preliminary audit first before the final ...


What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and how will it affect China?

What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and how will it affect China?

The partnership initially began as the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPSEP) in 2005 which was signed off by Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore. In addition, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the United ...


What are some challenges that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) members can fa...

What are some challenges that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) members can fa...

1) Government Procurement: Government procurements need to be very transparent, predictable, and non-discriminatory to allow member state companies to be aware of opening up bids and contracts. 2) Labor Regulations: Emerging Asian countries need to ...

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