Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



How is Laos attracting Chinese businesses to invest in the country?

How is Laos attracting Chinese businesses to invest in the country?

Since the country shares strategic borders with China and with its developing infrastructure, the country is attracting Chinese businesses who are trying to reduce manufacturing costs and re-export back to China. Given the low wages of Laotian worker...


How is the tax system different in Cambodia compared to China?

How is the tax system different in Cambodia compared to China?

In Cambodia, all businesses are subject to tax under the Self-Assessment System (Real Regime Tax System), regardless of their business or their revenue. There is no Double Tax Treaties in place which means that all withholding taxes are chargeable at...


Which approach can foreign companies use when exporting products to China?

Which approach can foreign companies use when exporting products to China?

When choosing to export products to China, foreign companies can either employ an agent or distributor or set up their own company in China. Small to medium sized companies often rely on agents and distributors since the foreign company itself d...


Which types of licenses are required for import and export in China and what is ...

Which types of licenses are required for import and export in China and what is ...

There are numerous licenses that are required when setting up a company for import and export. Some of the licenses are required during the incorporation process and when trading food, drugs or medical devices and the investors will need to get the s...


What are the types of taxes that companies face when importing goods to China an...

What are the types of taxes that companies face when importing goods to China an...

There are three types of taxes that companies face, which are value-added tax (VAT), consumption tax and customs duties. Consumption tax is imposed on companies that sell products whose overconsumption is harmful to health, social order and the envir...


For what reasons do special bonded zones exist around China? What are the Bounde...

For what reasons do special bonded zones exist around China? What are the Bounde...

Since China has opened up to foreign investments special bounded zones have been set up around the country to attract more foreign investors. Basically, these zones are treated as non-Chinese customs areas; therefore trade in and out of the zones are...


What is the role played by exports in Malaysia?s economy? What are its main expo...

What is the role played by exports in Malaysia?s economy? What are its main expo...

Since Malaysia has a relatively good infrastructure, it made Malaysia possible to become a country that attracts large volumes of foreign investment. Also, its top five exports are electronic products (33.4 percent), petroleum products (9.2 percent) ...


What are the reasons for perceiving the Philippines as an attractive business en...

What are the reasons for perceiving the Philippines as an attractive business en...

In Southeast Asia, the Philippines has one of the fastest growing economies. Also, since the majority of the working and the middle classes are able to speak English, it has attracted a lot of business outsourcing globally. The country also provides ...


What makes Indonesia?s export industry different from other countries in Asia?

What makes Indonesia?s export industry different from other countries in Asia?

Since the overall population of Indonesia is 252 million, it makes the country a good target for its own domestic consumer market. This means that apart from just being an export manufacturing base, the country can also be a consumer base in its own ...


Which industry of exports is Myanmar?s economy based on?

Which industry of exports is Myanmar?s economy based on?

Despite the entire under-developed and limited environment, Myanmar remains an enigmatic country in Asia. Since the country holds strong cost competitiveness, it is seen very attractive to the countries around it. Myanmar’s economy is largely b...


How does India’s eBiz Portal work?

How does India’s eBiz Portal work?

Services on the eBiz Portal can be accessed only after registering through a two-step process. The first step requires entrepreneurs to login as individuals to receive login credentials, while the second step requires registering the business to acce...


What is India’s eBiz Portal?

What is India’s eBiz Portal?

In a bid to improve the ease of doing business and ultimately the competitiveness of India’s economy, the Indian government has launched the eBiz Portal to integrate several government services into a single website to facilitate faster deliver...

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