Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



India's License and Registration eBiz Portal's Services

India's License and Registration eBiz Portal's Services

This infographic displays all the services provided by India's new government to business eBiz portal.


How to Establish a Business in India: Choosing a Low-Risk Entry Model

How to Establish a Business in India: Choosing a Low-Risk Entry Model

In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we explore market entry options that allow foreign investors to test the water before diving into the Indian market. In the first article, we examine the government’s new eBiz portal. This portal provide...


How to Restructure an Underperforming Business in China

How to Restructure an Underperforming Business in China

In this issue of China Briefing magazine, we explore the options that are available to foreign firms looking to restructure or close their operations in China. We begin with an overview of what restructuring an unprofitable business in China might en...


Process When Converting a RO in China

Process When Converting a RO in China

7 steps to follow when converting a RO in China - from preparing the document to cancelling chops and security of the company.


Process When De-registering Business in China

Process When De-registering Business in China

This infographic shows 17 steps to follow when de-registering business in China. From submitting termination application to cancelling chops and certificates of the business.


Comparison of Industry Caps in China, India and Vietnam

Comparison of Industry Caps in China, India and Vietnam

This infographic compares the foreign investment restrictions on various industries in China, India, and Vietnam.


What does Vietnam's regulatory framework provide to protect those investing in t...

What does Vietnam's regulatory framework provide to protect those investing in t...

Vietnam’s regulatory framework provides security guarantees for foreign enterpreneurs when starting an e-commerce business in Vietnam. The government has established some regulations such as on e-signature and certification, banking transact...


China Investment Roadmap: the Automotive Parts Industry

China Investment Roadmap: the Automotive Parts Industry

In this issue of China Briefing, we present a roadmap for investing in China’s automotive industry. We begin by providing an overview of the industry, and then take a comprehensive look at key foreign investment considerations, including investm...


Some of the Car Parts that Require China Compulsory Certificate

Some of the Car Parts that Require China Compulsory Certificate

List of car parts that require China compulsory certificate in China.


E-Commerce in Vietnam: Trends, Tax Policies & Regulatory Framework

E-Commerce in Vietnam: Trends, Tax Policies & Regulatory Framework

In this issue of Vietnam Magazine, we aim to provide readers with a complete understanding of Vietnam’s e-commerce industry. We begin by highlighting existing trends in the market, paying special attention to scope for foreign investment. We the...

other treaties

Indonesia Negative List of Investment Number 36 of 2010

Indonesia Negative List of Investment Number 36 of 2010

Presidential regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 36/2010 on list of business fields closed to investment and business fields open, with conditions, to investment.

other treaties

Malaysia Promotion of Investments Act 1986

Malaysia Promotion of Investments Act 1986

Determination of promoted activities or promoted products.

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