Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



What are the variations in employment probation across China, India and Vietnam ...

What are the variations in employment probation across China, India and Vietnam ...

In China the length of the probation period is affected by the employee’s contract terms and can be as long as 6 months. During the probation period the employer is obligated to pay the employee 80% of the full salary of their employment cont...


What are the different Chinese Long-term employment visas ?

What are the different Chinese Long-term employment visas ?

The Z visa is used by foreigners who are employed by either a domestic company in China or a foreign-invested enterprise that has been incorporated there. It is intended for employees who live and work in China.  The R visa is a new visa typi...


What can get in the way of a company trying to terminate an employee in China, I...

What can get in the way of a company trying to terminate an employee in China, I...

In China, termination can be blocked and deemed invalid, usually in the instance that the employee has contracted a disease or is pregnant/on maternity leave.  India’s antiquated shops and establishments Act 1953 may require the employe...


What are the key differences between the new India Accounting Standards (Ind-AS)...

What are the key differences between the new India Accounting Standards (Ind-AS)...

While the India Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) represent a major step towards international best practices of financial reporting, many key differences remain between Ind-AS and international financial reporting standards (IFRS). For instance, Ind-AS ...


What are the new India Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) as of 2015, and what impact...

What are the new India Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) as of 2015, and what impact...

The new India Accounting Standards (Ind-AS) are an updated set of accounting standards put forward by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in India (ICAI) to bring India’s generally accepted accounting practices (GAAP) closer in line with int...


What are some of the advantages of setting up a sourcing platform in a special e...

What are some of the advantages of setting up a sourcing platform in a special e...

Advantages of setting up a sourcing platform in a special economic zone in India include income tax exemption on export income for the first 5 years and then 50 percent off for a further 5 years, complete exemption from Central Sales Tax, Service Tax...


What steps should first-time importers or exporters take to carry out business l...

What steps should first-time importers or exporters take to carry out business l...

If you are importing or exporting for the first time in India, it is essential to first register with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and to obtain an Importer Exporter (IE) code number.  


What documents are required to receive an Importer Exporter code number in India...

What documents are required to receive an Importer Exporter code number in India...

An importer or exporter must submit the Aayaat Niryaat Form (ANF2A) to the nearest regional authority of the Directorate General of Foreign Trade along with 2 passport photos, permanent account number, current bank account number and a bankers certif...


What are the advantages of registering with the Export Promotion Council?

What are the advantages of registering with the Export Promotion Council?

The Export Promotion Council can provide an exporter with assistance to develop and increase exports, can advise exporters on matters related to technology and product development, can organise delegation visits overseas to explore market opportuniti...


Would I need to obtain a license to export goods in India?

Would I need to obtain a license to export goods in India?

Currently, the majority of goods can be freely exported without the exporter needing to possess a license. Exceptions to this include products listed in the Indian Trade Classification (ITC) Harmonized System. These goods are either restricted or pro...


What kind of entity should I set up in China for my business in the advertising ...

What kind of entity should I set up in China for my business in the advertising ...

Since the advertising and publishing industries are both restricted in China, foreign investors who wish to operate in any of these areas would need to set up a Joint Venture with a Chinese partner. For this to be successful, the foreign equity would...


What steps should a business take when considering how to benefit from Double Ta...

What steps should a business take when considering how to benefit from Double Ta...

A business should take the following steps to receive any benefits from Double Tax Agreements in Vietnam:  Examine if their services are included under the specific DTA  Examine if the DTA includes any other benefits, for example withho...

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