Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Establishing a Foreign Company in India

Establishing a Foreign Company in India

India is an attractive destination for foreign investors due to its large consumer-oriented market, low labor costs, and rising global competitiveness. Despite the recent dip in the growth rate, India features among the top 10 countries for global FD...


Corporate Sustainability in China

Corporate Sustainability in China

Faced with the new reality of a slowing economy and ongoing environmental issues, China now sees sustainability as essential to ensuring long-term viability for both its economy and its citizens’ quality of life. As the issue of sustainability gain...


Relocating Your Business from China to ASEAN

Relocating Your Business from China to ASEAN

ASEAN countries have become an alluring destination for Chinese-based businesses looking to benefit from the cost-savings of relocating all or part of their production facilities to Southeast Asia amid the brewing US-China trade war. In this issue of...


China Regulatory Watch - 2019 Year in Review

China Regulatory Watch - 2019 Year in Review

With 2020 just around the corner, we thought it would be interesting to look back at some of the biggest changes for foreign investors in China’s regulatory environment in 2019. This week, we discuss the Trade Deal, VAT and Intellectual Property re...


Mergers and Acquisitions in Vietnam

Mergers and Acquisitions in Vietnam

Seven years since joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), Vietnam remains committed to integrating further into the world economy. It is in this context that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become an increasingly popular investment route. Wit...


Types of GST Returns in India

Types of GST Returns in India

GST return forms for taxpayers vary according to different triggers and criteria. These forms are available on the official website of the Central Board of Direct Taxes. The different types of GST return forms and their due date for filing are...


Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Overseas Transactions

Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Overseas Transactions

Under the GST regime, exports are treated as ‘zero-rated supplies’. That is, supplies on which the GST rate is fixed as zero. It is the endeavour of the government to ensure that exports are encouraged by providing necessary tax breaks. ...


How will China’s New Foreign Investment Law Affect British Businesses?

How will China’s New Foreign Investment Law Affect British Businesses?

On December 6th, Maria Kotova, Head of UK and Ireland Business Development at Dezan Shira & Associates, provided insight on the new draft of the Foreign Investment Law (“FIL”) at the British Business Briefing Shanghai 2019 Q4.


¿Cuáles son las nuevas regulaciones que afectan la a los fapiaos de IVA especi...

¿Cuáles son las nuevas regulaciones que afectan la a los fapiaos de IVA especi...

Según las regulaciones actualizadas que entraron en vigor el 1 de julio de 2017, ahora se debe incluir más información en los fapiaos de IVA especial, como el código de identificación fiscal de la empresa y el conce...


¿Qué papel juegan la cuenta corrienta y la cuenta del capital social en sistem...

¿Qué papel juegan la cuenta corrienta y la cuenta del capital social en sistem...

En el sistema de cambio de divisas chino existen dos cuentas principales: la cuenta corriente y la cuenta del capital social. A través de la cuenta corriente se pueden completar las transacciones comerciales ordinarias, incluido la recepci&oac...


¿Qué tipos de transacciones internacionales no aprobaran por las autoridades c...

¿Qué tipos de transacciones internacionales no aprobaran por las autoridades c...

El gobierno chino introdujo nuevos controles de capital en 2016 para las siguientes transacciones internacionales para pagos al exterior y que necesitan de una aprobación específica:a) Inversiones al exterior hechas por sociedades limit...


How to Close a Business in China

How to Close a Business in China

Companies in China may want to end their operations for various reasons. Irrespective of what factors might trigger this decision to shut down the business, investors cannot simply walk away without following proper closure procedures. Not properly c...

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