Our Global Partners

We partner with organisations across the world to give us a truly global presence. Discover each of our regions’ key partners below.

  • Intesa Sanpaolo

    Il Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo è uno dei principali gruppi bancari in Europa, con una capitalizzazione di mercato di 41,5 miliardi di euro, ed è impegnato a sostenere l’economia nei Paesi in cui opera, in particolare in Italia, dove è anche impegnato a diventare un punto di riferimento in termini di sostenibilità e responsabilità sociale e culturale. Intesa Sanpaolo è leader in Italia in tutti i settori di attività (retail, corporate e wealth management). Il Gruppo offre i propri servizi a 14,7 milioni di clienti avvalendosi di una rete di circa 5.300 sportelli presenti su tutto il territorio nazionale con quote di mercato non inferiori al 12% nella maggior parte delle regioni. Intesa Sanpaolo ha una presenza internazionale strategica, con circa 1.000 sportelli e 7,1 milioni di clienti, incluse le banche controllate operanti nel commercial banking in 12 Paesi in Europa centro-orientale e in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa e una rete internazionale specializzata nel supporto alla clientela corporate in 26 Paesi, in particolare nel Medio Oriente e Nord Africa e in quelle aree in cui si registra il maggior dinamismo delle imprese italiane, come Stati Uniti, Brasile, Russia, India e Cina.

  • ECA Italia

    ECA Italia was established in 1994 by Italian professionals sharing twenty years of experience in human resources management, and ECA International has been operating on the international market since 1971. Its activities include: supporting Human Resources departments investing abroad, through orientation and consulting for group HR managers of incoming & outgoing expatriate personnel.

  • BPER: Banca

    BPER Banca, with its 150 years of history, is one of the largest Italian banking groups. It serves clients with high quality financial and advisory services. Thanks to a widespread presence throughout the Italian territory, we share the values of the community. Meeting the needs of our customers is the main goal of BPER. BPER Banca is able to provide full support for Export Trade Finance and internationalization of customers by helping companies expand their markets.

  • Associazione Italiana Commercio Estero (Aice)

    As an Italian Association of Foreign Trade, Associazione Italiana Commercio Estero (Aice) is a non-profit organization which, for 70 years, has been working to promote business relations between Italy and the rest of the world. Aice's objective is to create new business opportunities between its members and foreign companies, thus contributing to the development of international trade. Aice works to develop relationships with international institutions and entrepreneurial associations.

  • Switzerland Global Enterprise

    Switzerland Global Enterprise is represented abroad as "Swiss Business Hubs". They manage an expert network and provide local knowledge for Swiss SMEs that intend to engage in export and for identifying companies with export interest in Switzerland.

  • Italian Trade Agency (ITA)

    The Italian Trade Agency (ITA) is a governmental agency that supports the business development of Italian companies abroad and promotes the attraction of foreign investment in Italy. ITA provides information, assistance, consulting, promotion and training to Italian small and medium-sized businesses.

  • The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce

    The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is the only business organization recognized by both the Italian Government (Ministry of Economic Development, MiSE) and People’s Republic of China (Ministry of Civil Affairs, MoCA) that aims to boost the internationalization and settlement of Italian business and to promote the “Made in Italy” in the PRC. Established in 1991, CICC has now offices in Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Suzhou.

  • Eurolink Business Consulting Geie

    The Network Eurolink is a team of highly experienced professionals specialized in law, accounting, and in handling and solving corporate business and fiscal matters. The Network Eurolink's mission is to guide and support Italian and European firms in establishing and managing their business operations abroad.

  • Il Caffè Geopolitico

    Il Caffè Geopolitico is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 with the aim of spreading understanding of geopolitics and international affairs towards the general public, Institutions and the private business sector. Composed by young professionals and analysts, it represents a meeting point to get to know and discuss complex dynamics with analytical approach but with a language accessible to all. The organization is also editor of an online magazine and specialised publications.

  • Cina in Italia

    Cina in Italia is the first bilingual Chinese-Italian monthly magazine published in Italy. It represents the Italian edition of China Newsweek, a periodical published by the state-run news agency China News. Since the project was launched in 2001 by Hu Lanbo, a Chinese journalist and writer, Cina in Italia has reached a wider audience, including enterprises looking with interest to China, and it has also become a publishing house. Moreover, Cina in Italia offers specialized translation services, has experience in working with Italian and Chinese cultural institutions, and is also engaged in promoting the Made in Italy brand in China.

  • Confindustria Romagna

    Confindustria Romagna was established in late 2016 from the merger of local industrial associations of Confindustria Ravenna and Confindustria Rimini, representing 900 companies reaching all together an overall annual turnover of over 10 billion euro.

  • Ambrosiana Advisory

    Ambrosiana Advisory is an independent firm of professionals based in Milan, specializing in business consulting & advisory services in corporate finance such as: M&A, IPO, Capital Markets, Due Diligence, Budgeting & Reporting, and Business Planning. With over twenty years of experience, the Ambrosiana team closely follows its clients in order to offer tailor-made solutions for growth and development. Ambrosiana Advisory offers consultancy on company compliance and tax and accounting. Ambrosiana assists its clients in their FDI projects in the Asian markets.

  • China Center of the University of Macerata

    The China Center of the University of Macerata is a multidisciplinary and interdepartmental research hub of the University of Macerata (UNIMC). The year 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the Center, founded in 2013 by Professor Francesca Spigarelli, in the framework of the Department of Law's initiatives.

    The China Center was established with the aim of enhancing the skills and knowledge gained over the years in various fields and sectors by researchers at the University of Macerata dealing with China. Law, economics, politics and international business are just a few examples of the disciplines covered with studies, cultural events, conferences and meetings, national and European research calls on typical topics of the social sciences and humanities having China as their focus.

    The University of Macerata built very strong relationships with China, in cooperation with the Confucius Institute, with which the China Center shares working spaces in the beautiful setting of Villa Lauri. Macerata is also famous as the birthplace of Father Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit missionary during the Ming Dynasty and highly respected in China. The China Center contributes to carrying on his example and memory in a spirit of collaboration and cultural exchange between the two countries, with a focus on multidisciplinary scientific research and collaboration with local businesses.

  • Confindustria Padova

    Confindustria Padova, with almost 1,600 associated companies, employing over 64,000 people, is one of the main local branches of Confindustria. Today the association offers a variety of consulting services such as finance and training, trade union relations, internationalization, communication, environment and safety, research, innovation and e-business.

  • Confindustria Vicenza

    Confindustria Vicenza is a provincial-level organization representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy. Confindustria Vicenza has more than 2,000 member companies, which makes it one of the first territorial organizations of Confindustria’s entire network system. Confindustria Vicenza aims to participate in the progress of Vicenza’s community and growth of the province, providing business advisory services across all business and entrepreneurial issues.

  • PROMOS Italia

    Promos Italia supports Italian companies in internationalization processes and assists institutions in developing the local economy and enhancing the territory.

    Since 1991, they have supported “Made in Italy” and assisted foreign operators with specialized services (training, digitalization, customized assistance), business internationalization (taxation, contracts, transport, customs, payments), opportunities to meet selected foreign buyers, importers, and suppliers at various important trade fairs, as well as useful resources and contacts for international operators interested in Italy.

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