Our Global Partners

We partner with organisations across the world to give us a truly global presence. Discover each of our regions’ key partners below.

  • Enterprise Singapore

    Enterprise Singapore is the government agency driving Singapore’s external economy. It spearheads the overseas growth of Singapore-based companies and promotes international trade.

  • EU-ASEAN Business Council

    The EU-ASEAN Business Council is the primary voice for European business within the ASEAN region. It is endorsed by the European Commission and recognised by the ASEAN Secretariat. The Council has been established to promote the interests of European businesses operating within ASEAN and to advocate for changes in policies and regulations to foster trade and investment between Europe and ASEAN.

  • SME Centre

    The SME Portal is the first stop for Singapore SME owners and aspiring entrepreneurs looking for information, tools and services that can help them build sustainable and competitive businesses.

  • US-ASEAN Business Council

    The US-ASEAN Business Council is the premier advocacy organization for U.S. corporations operating within the dynamic Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), serving as the leading voice of the U.S. private sector in promoting mutually beneficial trade and investment relationships between the United States and Southeast Asia.

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