Our collection of resources based on what we have learned on the ground



Which enterprises need to obtain a Production License in China?

Which enterprises need to obtain a Production License in China?

Enterprises must obtain a Product License for the manufacture, sales or commercial use of certain industrial products in China. According to the Administrative Regulations on Production Licensing of Industrial Products (Regulations) promulgated by...


What requirements must be met to obtain a Production License in China?

What requirements must be met to obtain a Production License in China?

To obtain a Production License, an enterprise must: Possess a business license, as well as technical personnel and production conditions suited to the product in question; Have in place an effective system of inspection, quality management and ac...


Where are applications for a Production License submitted in China and what is t...

Where are applications for a Production License submitted in China and what is t...

Applications are submitted to the provincial Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau (QTSB) in the region of the enterprise’s registration. The QTSB will issue a letter of acceptance upon receiving the application, following which the enterpri...


Do companies who want to engage in food production in China need to obtain a spe...

Do companies who want to engage in food production in China need to obtain a spe...

If an enterprise wants to engage in food production in China, they must obtain a Food Production License. As with the Production License, the state-level General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) is responsible ...


What requirements must be met to obtain a Food Production License in China?

What requirements must be met to obtain a Food Production License in China?

In terms of requirements, the enterprise must possess the means for processing the specified type and volume of food products and must maintain the cleanliness of facilities. All staff involved in food service must undergo China Food and Drug Adminis...


Do catering service providers need to obtain a special license in China?

Do catering service providers need to obtain a special license in China?

Catering service providers, whether individuals or organizations, must obtain a Catering License prior to engaging in business operations. This applies to group meal delivery service providers but not food stall operators or providers of semi-finishe...


Are operators engaged in food distribution required to obtain a special license ...

Are operators engaged in food distribution required to obtain a special license ...

Operators, whether individuals or organizations, engaged in food distribution (including retail and wholesale distribution of pre-packaged food or bulk food) are required to obtain a Food Distribution License. In certain cases, the requirement to obt...


Where are the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) applications processed?

Where are the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) applications processed?

The vast majority of CCC applications are processed and evaluated by the China Quality Certification Center (CQC) under the auspices of the Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA), though certain classes of products are handled by separ...


What do Guobiao (GB) standards in China entail?

What do Guobiao (GB) standards in China entail?

GB standards are Chinese national standards issued by the Standardization Administration of China (SAC). According to the Standardization Law and its implementing regulations, GB standards are divided into mandatory and recommended standards. Mandato...


What is the process for applying for a China Compulsory Certification (CCC)?

What is the process for applying for a China Compulsory Certification (CCC)?

Applying for a CCC mark for your product is a five-step process. Below are the steps for obtaining certification: Apply for CCC certification Product testing Factory inspection Evaluation and approval Follow-up inspection and renewal The of...


How does a company obtain a China Compulsory Certification (CCC) label?

How does a company obtain a China Compulsory Certification (CCC) label?

Once granted CCC approval, companies may purchase CCC labels in five standard sizes, or apply to print or mold their own custom CCC labels directly on the product in sizes proportionate to the standard labels. By default, labels consist of a black...


Which products are exempted from China Compulsory Certification (CCC)?

Which products are exempted from China Compulsory Certification (CCC)?

Certain imported products listed in the CCC catalog are exempt from CCC certification. There are two categories of exempted items: Automatically exempt items, which include those brought into China for personal use and items considered gifts betwe...

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